Janesville Bicycle Related Ordinances (as of MARCH 2024)
Courtesy of the Janesville Velo Club
Bicycling is fun; it helps us keep fit, and gives us mobility. In general bicycling is a safe activity, but it is important for bicyclists, pedestrian foot traffic, and motorists to share the road. Remember that ordinances and laws exist to keep bicyclists safe. The Janesville Police Department in cooperation with The Janesville Velo Club offers the following reminders:
Riding on Sidewalks [10.64.080] Bicyclists exercising due care may drive and operate their bicycles upon the sidewalk, except sidewalks in the Central Business Districts, in outlying Business Districts, pedestrian paths, within one block of school grounds, or public playgrounds, when such riding shall jeopardize the safety of pedestrians thereon.
Riding on Sidewalks Passing Regulations [10.64.090] Pedestrians to have right-of-way. It is unlawful for any person driving a bicycle on the sidewalk to attempt to pass another person or persons going in the same direction on the sidewalk, without giving a warning, and until it becomes evident that the person so warned is aware of the approach of such person driving the bicycle. Pedestrians shall at all times have the right-of-way upon the sidewalks, and if necessary, the person driving such bicycle shall dismount and vacate the sidewalk to prevent a collision. Any such person driving a bicycle upon the sidewalk must have the bicycle under control at all times. (Prior code s. 10.69(10)).
Red Traffic Signals [346.37(1)(c)4] allows a bicycle facing a red traffic signal at an intersection, after stopping as required, for not less than 45 seconds, to proceed cautiously through the intersection before the signal turns green if no other vehicles are present at the intersection to actuate the signal. The bicyclist shall yield the right of way to any vehicular traffic proceeding through a green traffic signal at the intersection.
Bicycling at Night [347.489] Lamps and other equipment on bicycles, motor bicycles, and electric personal assistive mobility devices. (1) No person may operate a bicycle, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device upon a highway, sidewalk, bicycle lane, or bicycle way during hours of darkness unless the bicycle, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device is equipped with or, with respect to a bicycle or motor bicycle, the operator is wearing, a lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of the bicycle, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device. A bicycle, motor bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device shall also be equipped with a red reflector that has a diameter of at least 2 inches of surface area or, with respect to an electric personal assistive mobility device, that is a strip of reflective tape that has at least 2 square inches of surface area, on the rear so mounted an d maintained as to be visible from all distances from 50 to 500 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red or flashing amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the red reflector.